We are committed to making the world a better place for Climate, People and Nature

What we do

We believe in trust-based collaboration and collective action.

By building new partnerships, embracing common goals and aligning partners around a shared vision, we create an ecosystem of people and organization driven by the same passion and objective generating systemic changes.

By empowering people from all walks of life and at every stage of their lives, we can inspire them, share knowledge and tools to become active citizens and drive a systemic transformation of society to deliver positive impacts for climate, people and nature.

Positive change often happens through “radical collaboration”.

Our three pillars of action


Build and facilitate partnerships for climate, people and nature


Partnership building is at the very core of what we do. At Climate Bridges, we connect people and organisations that share the same sense of urgency towards climate action. Through inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogues and targeted task forces, we act as a catalyser for change and a platform of collaboration for change-makers. We bring together leaders from business, civil society and governments to activate a systemic transformation of society, going beyond institutional boundaries, beyond logos, egos and silos, to deliver positive impacts for people and the planet.

Inspire and empower future leaders for climate action


We work with schools, universities, teachers, leadership trainers, students and people from all walks of life who are ready to lead the next generation towards a more resilient and sustainable world.

We share, organize, facilitate and run workshops to empower the next generations of youth leaders. We teach how to see the world through a more systemic approach and become agents of change.

Foster resilience and food systems transformation

RealFoodSystems is an advocacy platform of actionists committed to addressing the planetary emergency through sustainable food systems as a #1 solution to climate and interrelated crises. Our vision is a transformed and sustainable future, where plant-based, whole food is the foundation for human and planetary health.

The RealFoodSystems Youth Ambassadors Program inspires action, giving a voice and providing young people across the world with tools to design sustainable, healthy and resilient food systems for the future.

Awards & Achievements

More than 20 years of commitment to climate and sustainability and a few more important milestones during the last five years as a growing organization and broad network of partners:

  • First country profiles and community-based studies on disaster risk reduction and vulnerability (UNDP and UN-ECLAC) in LDCs and Latin America

  • Donor reporting for a pioneering program of micro-credit and school feeding in Tajikistan (ACTED)

  • REACH+ campaign to protect citizens’ health and the environment across Europe (EU Parliament)

  • Design and Launch of first participatory Agenda 21 for the City of Narbonne (Ernst & Young)

  • G20 Summit decision agreed on climate finance, under the French Presidency adopted innovative sources of finance for climate and development (WWF)

  • COP22, the COP of sustainable business and low carbon solutions (WBCSD)

  • COP23 Presidency Talanoa Dialogue adoption for raising climate ambition and including many voices (COP Presidency)

  • 2018 Climate Vulnerable Forum Summit first ever online Heads of States Summit and One Planet Summits stepping up climate ambition (CAN-International) with 42 Heads of States and Governments and 6000+ participants

  • 2019 Nature-Based Solutions Coalition launched at the UN Secretary General Climate Action Summit in New York with 33 Ministers, CEOs of 20 large multinational, 500+ partners

  • 2020-2022 Planetary Emergency Partnership development, growing from 30 to 300 partners and call for action supported by 3,500+ leaders and scientists covered in the Financial Times and with influence on the G20, the IMF/World and the EU Green Deal launched by the EU Commission

  • 2021-2022: Nature Positive Economic Recovery packages adopted covering EU Member States to scale up finance for climate and nature positive investments

  • 2021-2023: Creation and development of SHE Changes Climate, first open letter to COP26 UK Presidency adopted by 400+ women leaders and covered in global media, then 100+ leaders in the lead up to COP27 in Egypt and first Ministerial on Gender and Climate Change hosted by the COP27 Presidency

  • 2023: COP 28 online Summit with Sultan Al Jaber, COP28 Presidency and Mary Robinson covered in 60+ media outlets around the world, with a global outreach of 12 Million views worldwide leading to public pressure and adoption of the first COP decision to transition away from fossil fuels in this critical decade

  • 2024: COP29 Presidency decision to include 11 women on the high-level organizing committee following global press statement coverage by the Guardian

  • March 2024: Founder received Women for Change Award at Paris Change NOW Summit and selection as top ten most influential women by IEA Women

  • 2022-2024: creation and development of SHE Builds Bridges for Climate Action in Switzerland and beyond and Be One Mentoring Platform with nearly 400 users from around the world.